Hi, In this tutorial i will explain you how to create the basc GUI application in windows using html.
Genarally we are saving the html code as .html or .htm but when you creating the windows GUI (Graphical user interface) application it should be save as .hta extension.
Now just follow these steps to create the GUI application using html
Step #1 : Open the text editor like Notepad or whatever your favorite text editor.
Copy the below code
For example : MyApp.hta
Step #3: Now, Open your application by double clicking.
Genarally we are saving the html code as .html or .htm but when you creating the windows GUI (Graphical user interface) application it should be save as .hta extension.
Now just follow these steps to create the GUI application using html
Step #1 : Open the text editor like Notepad or whatever your favorite text editor.
Copy the below code
<html> <head> <HTA:APPLICATION APPLICATIONNAME="My App" SYSMENU="yes"> <title>My App</title> <style type="text/css"> body {background-color:lightsteelblue;} p {font:bold 18px arial;} </style> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> window.resizeTo(640,480); </script> </head> <body> <p>Welcome to My First Application<br /><br />Hello World </p> </body> </html>Step #2: Paste into your favourite text editor and save your file with extension .hta
For example : MyApp.hta
Step #3: Now, Open your application by double clicking.
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